rtMedia Membership with custom shortcode and Playlists with improved UI

Alongside our earlier release of rtMedia 4.4.6, the team has been working on updates for two of our Premium addons– rtMedia Membership and rtMedia Playlists. Here’s a tour of whats new.

rtMedia Memberships gets a new shortcode that provides a handy way to list all the media that users in a particular membership plan have uploaded. Once you have added this custom shortcode (here’s how), you can add it to any page or post to display a gallery.

Membership plan has five types of subscriptions slots– Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly and Lifetime.We have also added a filter to allow you to display only the plans you want, and hide the rest. We have introduced a new filter to do the job. Explore the example here.

We also fixed an issue of songs playing in loop and improved the UI of the media player in the rtMedia Playlists addon.


Version 2.2.3, March 6, 2018

New Features

  • Added: Filter to hide membership subscription plans [Doc]
  • Added a feature using which user can add a custom shortcode to display media-gallery of different subscribed plans [Doc]


  • Improved update plugin script


  • An issue with color picker under membership plan admin settings

rtMedia Playlists

This release includes most of the fixes related to UI of the media player and functionality of playing media in a loop.


Version 1.3.9, March 21, 2018


  • Improved UI of media player


  • Issue playing songs in the loop

How do I update?

Update any rtMedia addon from the WordPress backend on a website that has an active license key. Alternatively, you can download the latest zip file from Account Page.

Our 40+ Premium addons & themes, are easier than ever to keep track of, with our new Subscription billing model. Every product comes with 1 year of guaranteed updates and access to our Premium Support channel.

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