Latest version of Inspirebook theme is based on SASS, Compass, Grunt and Foundation. So you’ll need to install all its dependencies before starting with the development. You can check Inspirebook theme’s latest version from Product Changelog.
To setup local development environment follow these steps:
1. Install Ruby
Check this link to set up Ruby in your system.
2. Install SASS/ SCSS
Install SASS by using the following command:
[sudo] gem install sass
3. Install Compass
Install Compass by using the following command:
[sudo] gem install compass
4. Install Node.js
Grunt depends on Node and npm. You may follow or npm site for installation instructions.
5. Install Grunt
It is installed globally using npm. Run the following command to install Grunt,
[sudo] npm install -g grunt-cli
Important: The process mentioned above will be required to run only once.
6. Install Grunt Packages locally
Go to your project folder to install the dependencies in the local node_modules folder.
Following grunt packages are required to be installed:
[sudo] npm install --save-dev grunt grunt-autoprefixer grunt-checktextdomain grunt-contrib-compass grunt-contrib-imagemin grunt-contrib-uglify grunt-contrib-watch grunt-fontello grunt-wp-i18n load-grunt-tasks
7. Run grunt command
Now run “grunt” command in your project folder to run configured tasks in Gruntfile.js.
Note: Make all css changes in *.scss files while keeping grunt running.