rtMedia-PRO v1.6 with bbPress Topic/Reply Attachment Support

rtMedia-PRO v1.6Today’s weekly release of rtMedia-PRO v1.6 brings a major new feature for bbPress forums.

We have added attachment support for topics and replies in bbPress forum as well as BuddyPress group forums.

We also added an importer for GD bbpress Attachments. It was a plugin we were using for our bbpress-attachment need till now.

bbPress Topic/Reply Attachment

rtMedia-PRO v1.6 allows users to attach files while creating a topic or a reply in bbPress powered forums. Users can add photos, videos, music, documents and files in any format. For audio and video, rtMedia will take care of format conversions automatically if needed.

To enable media attachment support in bbpress:

  • Go to rtMedia > Settings > bbpress
  • Enable bbpress Support
  • Save Settings

rtMedia-PRO bbPress Settings

An admin can set the default view in bbPress either to Attachment Thumbnail or Attachment Title.

If your forum mostly contains screenshot or “visual” attachment using “Attachment Thumbnail” view is recommended.

To control what file-types user can upload:

If you want to include other file types like zip, rar, etc for attachments, then don’t forget to enable “Other” section and add desired file types under rtmedia > Settinngs > Types.

Importer for GD bbpress Attachments

rtMedia v1.6 also allows importing media from the GD bbpress Attachments plugin. You just need to use the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin, so that thumbnails for older media can be regenerated for use in rtMedia-PRO.

For importing GD bbPress Attachments:

  • Go to rtMedia > Support > Migration

Migration from GD bbPress Attachments

  • Click Start
  • Wait for thumbnails to be regenerated

Start Migration


Upgrading is easy for existing rtMedia-PRO customers: Go to Dashboard > Updates from your WordPress admin panel. It will upgrade like any other WordPress plugin.

Pricing surprise!

rtMedia-PRO v1.6 can be purchased for $99, just like the previous version.

We’ve clocked the highest sales at $99 price, so for the next few releases, the price is going to remain $99!

For rtMedia-PRO 2.0, we will most likely set price as $149. Early adopters will always receive price protection during upgrades (upgrades will be offered at 50% price)

Have any question – use comment form below or try our support forum!

Links:Purchase rtMedia PRO | Subscribe to rtMedia updates