rtMedia PRO v1.5 with Document and Other File Type Support

New release of rtMedia-PRO v1.5, comes with most awaited Document and Other File Type support.

Users can add documents and many other file types using rtMedia-PRO v1.5. Now you will be able to view and download all the documents like txt, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, pdf, xps and pages(mac file format) which are supported by Google docs. Apart from above documents you can also upload and download other file types like zip, tar.gz and many more.

To see this in action:

  • Go to rtMedia > Settings > Types
  • Enable Document and Other under Media Type section.
  • Enter the file extension(s) you want to be uploaded using comma(,) under File Extensions section.

Now you can see two new tabs Document and Others under Media tab. After uploading the document and other file types, you will see both under their respective tabs.


By clicking on the document you have uploaded you canĀ  read it online and download it and for other file types you can only download them.

Pricing and upgrades

Going by our progressive pricing policy, rtMedia-PRO is now available for purchase for $99.

Upgrading is easy for existing rtMedia PRO customers: Go to Dashboard > Updates from your WordPress admin panel.

Note: The final major release will cost $149, and you get to upgrade for free for one year! After that, upgrades will be available for 50% of the original price you pay.