rtMedia is compatible with WPML plugin

rtmedia-wpmlrtMedia is used by 10,000+ websites running BuddyPress. Since people use it for their communities around the world, they really like having support for their native languages other than English.

We are happy to announce that rtMedia plugin along with our premium addons are compatible with the WPML plugin. It allows you to translate all strings on your WordPress site using WPML plugin.

What is WPML?

WPML is a premium plugin that allows users to build multi-lingual sites and run them.  Over the last two months we have worked with the WPML team and they have certified rtMedia plugin along with all premium add-ons as WPML compatible.

How to translate rtMedia

You can check out the test site for rtMedia and WPML plugins together

To get started, you will need WPML and add-on Plugins.

Check this guide to setup rtMedia in your language using WPML translation.

Links: Buy rtMedia Addons | DocumentationWPML