How to display link previews in BuddyPress activity stream

When was the last time you tried sharing a link somewhere only to find that it didn’t load any preview before you shared it? We understand what you felt at that moment. We are so accustomed to seeing a preview of the link before sharing it anywhere – be it on Facebook, Twitter or even WhatsApp!

rtmedia whatsapp url preview

We definitely don’t want to look like that spammer who sends malicious links with no preview in the hope of someone clicking on it and getting infected.

And that’s totally understandable.

But how do you enable link previews on your BuddyPress site? When you are the administrator or moderator of a community website, your members rely upon you to enable that feature for them. And you should do it because you don’t want them to feel the same way you did.

Don’t worry now, we have got you covered.

But before that, let’s look at a few more reasons why you must display a link preview for all URLs on your BuddyPress site –

  • Links previews enhance the usability
  • They make links look less boring
  • Increased CTR
  • Alerts members of suspicious sites

How to display links preview in BuddyPress

Time needed: 15 minutes

Follow the steps below to implement the link preview feature on your WordPress site.

  1. Install rtMedia

    Install and activate the rtMedia plugin from your WordPress dashboard.install and activate rtmedia on your buddypress site

  2. Install rtMedia Activity URL Preview

    Get the rtMedia Activity URL Preview add-on and upload it manually to your website.rtmedia activity url preview addon for buddypress

  3. Activate the premium add-on

    Navigate to the rtMedia Licenses page and paste your license key to validate your install. If you skip this step, you won’t be able to receive automatic security and feature updates to the installed add-on.rtmedia activity url preview addon license activation

  4. Test the add-on

    Go to the Activity Stream page and enter an URL of your choice to test the add-on. It should load the preview properly as it does not require any configuration – it just works out of the box. If it doesn’t work as intended, you can get support from the rtMedia team by submitting a support request.rtmedia activity url preview demo

Other benefits of rtMedia

Now that you have seen how to enable link previews on your BuddyPress site, let’s see why it is better than other plugins.

Apart from displaying the usual link previews for all websites, the rtMedia Activity URL Preview add-on also supports rich previews for sites like Twitter, SoundCloud, Vimeo, and SlideShare.


Also, since you need to have rtMedia installed on your site before using the add-on, you can get a host of other benefits like media and album support, lightbox display for media, like buttons, and more on your BuddyPress site.

Got any questions? Ask us in the comments section below!

2 responses to “How to display link previews in BuddyPress activity stream”

    • Hi @oiwa,

      Sorry, but currently the URL preview works only for activity posts.