Upgrading from rtMedia 3.2.x to 3.3.x

This upgrade guide applies only if you have overridden rtMedia template files.

Markup Changes

In rtMedia 3.3.x (3.2.13 to be exact), we made changes to the following template files:

  • media-single.php
  • media-single-edit.php
  • album-single-edit.php

New Hooks Added

We also added new hooks in the following templates:

Inside media-single.php

When single media is displayed in a lightbox:

  • rtmedia_action_buttons_after_media
  • rtmedia_actions_before_description
  • rtmedia_actions_before_comments

When single media is displayed without lightbox, on its own page:

  • rtmedia_actions_before_description
  • rtmedia_actions_without_lightbox

Inside album-gallery.php

  • rtmedia_after_album_gallery_title

Inside media-gallery.php

  • rtmedia_after_media_gallery_title

If you are using any template file from the above list in your theme, you may need to change template files to provide a seamless rtMedia experience for your users.

If you have any questions, feel free to use our free support forum.