Basic Diagnosis Guide

How to identify the cause of the issue?

There are some simple steps, performing which you can identify the reason behind the issue on your own.

Please follow these steps one by one:

    The first step will help you identify that if the issue is related to the theme or plugin.

  1. Deactivate the currently activated theme on your website – if it one of our premium theme or any other third-party theme. Install and activate any default WordPress themes.
  2. Conclusion – If you are not able to regenerate the issue with WordPress default theme then the issue is related to the previously activated theme.

    Next step will help you to identify if the issue is related to rtMedia plugin or not.

  3. Deactivate rtMedia and rtMedia addons(if you have any) and try to regenerate the issue.
  4. Conclusion – If you have deactivated rtMedia plugins and the issue is still there then the issue is not related to rtMedia.

    Next step will help you to identify if there is any conflict between rtMedia and any other plugins.

  5. Deactivate all other plugins on your website except for rtMedia, BuddyPress and rtMedia addons(if you have any).
  6. Conclusion – If you are not able to regenerate the issue after deactivating other plugins then there is a conflict between rtMedia and other plugins. You can now activate the other plugins one by one and try to regenerate the issue while activating them to identify the conflicting plugin.

This way you can narrow it down to the actual cause of the issue.
