

Use this filter to disable the notification emails getting sent to the admins/users about the media.

* Disable the notification sent to the admins/users
* @param boolean By default it is true. If false is passed the email wont
* get sent to the any user
function rtt_custom_disable_notification(){
    return false;
add_filter( 'rtt_send_notification', 'rtt_custom_disable_notification' );


Use this filter to remove the random number from the transcoded filename.

 * Remove the random number from the transcoded filename
 * @param string $tempname Transcoded file's temporary name.
 * @return string $tempname Updated filename.
function rtmc_transcoded_temp_filename( $tempname ) {
	if ( class_exists( 'RT_Transcoder_Admin' ) ) {
		// Divide the name from "-".
		$filename_arr = explode( '-',  $tempname );
		// Gets the removable part from filename.
		$start_pos = strlen( $filename_arr[0] );
		// Removes the number from filename.
		$tempname = substr( $tempname, $start_pos + 1 );
	return $tempname;
add_filter( 'transcoded_video_filename', 'rtmc_transcoded_temp_filename' );


Use this filter to remove the random number from the transcoded file’s thumbnail.

 * Remove the random number from the transcoded filename
 * @param string $tempname Transcoded file's temporary name.
 * @return string $tempname Updated filename.
function rtmc_transcoded_temp_filename( $tempname ) {
	if ( class_exists( 'RT_Transcoder_Admin' ) ) {
		// Divide the name from "-".
		$filename_arr = explode( '-',  $tempname );
		// Gets the removable part from filename.
		$start_pos = strlen( $filename_arr[0] );
		// Removes the number from filename.
		$tempname = substr( $tempname, $start_pos + 1 );
	return $tempname;
add_filter( 'transcoded_thumb_filename', 'rtmc_transcoded_temp_filename' );


Use this filter to change response messages of transcoding process status.

 * Filters the transcoding process status message.
 * @param array $messages Default transcoding process status messages.
 * List of Valid Keys.
 * 'null-response', 'failed', 'running', 'in-queue', 'receiving-back', 'success'.
function rtt_change_transcoder_status_message( $messages ) {
    $messages = array(
                'null-response'   => 'Your Custom Message',
                'failed'          => 'Your Custom Message',
                'running'         => 'Your Custom Message',
                'in-queue'        => 'Your Custom Message',
                'receiving-back'  => 'Your Custom Message',
                'success'         => 'Your Custom Message',
    return $messages;
add_filter( 'rtt_transcoder_status_message', 'rtt_change_transcoder_status_message' );


Use this filter to change default text of transcoding process status check button.

 * Filters the text of transcoding process status check button.
 * @param string $button_text Default text of transcoding process status check button.
function rtt_transcoder_change_check_status_button_text( $button_text ) {
    // Modify $button_text
    return $button_text;
add_filter( 'rtt_transcoder_check_status_button_text', 'rtt_transcoder_change_check_status_button_text' );