Member Search Form

How to set member search form below slider?

We have added a member search form at the bottom of the slider on home page.

Adding Profile fields

You can add profile fields from Dashboard -> Users -> Profile Fields. Alternatively open this link /wp-admin/users.php?page=bp-profile-setup

Note: Name is default profile field you can not remove it.

Let’s see how you can add new field using this plugin. To Add new profile field click  Add New Field button as shown in screenshot.

add new fld - 1

Clicking on Add New Field will open new page where you can enter information as mentioned in screen shot.

add new fld - 2

  1. Name: Will be unique name
  2. Field Description: Used as title for search box form
  3. Field Requirement: If this specific field is required or not
  4. Field Type: You can choose field type based on requirement. Following is an example what you can choose.
    • Text for name, city etc
    • Date selector for birthdate selection
    • Dropdown for gender selection
    • Site for providing your site URL
  5. After you add all the information, Click on Save button.

Rearranging/Sorting fields:

You can rearrange fields by dragging profile fields up and down.

Configuring Member Search Form

You can find settings to configure search form as follows: Dashboard -> rtDating -> Home Page

You can show/hide fields from theme settings only., choose search form field, etc

theme setting

Now you can see the form on the home page as shown in below screenshot.

search form

 Note: If you reorder fields on Dashboard -> Users -> Profile Fields then you need to go to  Dashboard -> rtDating -> Home Page then click on Save Changes button for the rearrangement to reflect in the form.