Below is the sample code to manage BuddyPress cover picture and profile picture uploads of group and member’s profile to rtAmazon S3.
Paste this code inside your theme’s functions.php file.
* Function to setup hooks for rtamazon custom code.
function rtamazon_setup_custom_code_hooks() {
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php';
if ( ! class_exists( 'RTAWSS3_Class' ) || ! is_plugin_active( 'buddypress/bp-loader.php' ) || ! is_plugin_active( 'rtamazon-s3/index.php' ) ) {
add_filter( 'bp_attachments_pre_get_attachment', 'rtamazon_modify_cover_image', 10, 2 );
add_filter( 'rtawss3_match_urls', 'rtamazon_content_url' );
add_filter( 'rtawss3_match_urls', 'rtamazon_content_wp_url' );
add_filter( 'bp_attachments_pre_cover_image_ajax_upload', 'rtamazon_send_coverimage_to_s3', 10, 4 );
add_action( 'bp_members_avatar_uploaded', 'rtamazon_send_avatar_to_s3', 10, 3 );
add_action( 'groups_avatar_uploaded', 'rtamazon_send_avatar_to_s3', 10, 3 );
add_filter( 'bp_core_fetch_avatar_url', 'rtamazon_set_profile', 99, 2 );
add_filter( 'bp_core_fetch_avatar', 'rtamazon_set_profile_html', 10, 2 );
add_action( 'bp_core_delete_existing_avatar', 'rtamazon_delete_avatar' );
add_filter( 'bp_attachments_pre_delete_file', 'rtamazon_delete_coverphoto', 10, 2 );
add_filter( 'the_content', 'rtawss3_custom_filter_content', 99 );
add_filter( 'inspirebook_cover_image_url', 'rtamazon_inspirebook_cover_image_url' );
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'rtamazon_setup_custom_code_hooks' );
* Replace cover image url with s3 url.
* @param bool $flag Flag to modify cover-image url.
* @param array $param Attachment data.
* @return bool|string
function rtamazon_modify_cover_image( $flag, $param ) {
if ( ! class_exists( 'RTAWSS3_Class' ) ) {
return $flag;
if ( 'cover-image' !== $param['type'] ) {
return $flag;
remove_filter( 'bp_attachments_pre_get_attachment', 'rtamazon_modify_cover_image', 10 );
$url = bp_attachments_get_attachment(
'item_id' => $param['item_id'],
'object_dir' => $param['object_dir'],
'type' => $param['type'],
if ( empty( $url ) && empty( $param['file'] ) ) {
return $flag;
if ( empty( $url ) && ! empty( $param['file'] ) ) {
return $param['file'];
$cover_image_aws = rtamazon_get_aws_url( $url );
$cover_image_aws = ( ! empty( $cover_image_aws ) ) ? $cover_image_aws : $url;
add_filter( 'bp_attachments_pre_get_attachment', 'rtamazon_modify_cover_image', 10, 2 );
return $cover_image_aws;
* Set selected url structure, selected in rtAmazon settings.
* @since 1.4.0
* @param string $urls urls in content.
* @return array $newurls/$urls return array of all urls in content.
function rtamazon_content_url( $urls ) {
// get bucket name.
$bucket = rtamazon_s3_get_bucket_name();
if ( ! empty( $bucket ) ) {
// get bucket url structure.
$url_structure = rtamazon_s3_get_url_structure( $bucket );
$newurls = array();
// If url structure is default than return the content, no need to search and replace.
if ( ! empty( $url_structure ) ) {
// get custom domain for bucket url.
$custom_domain = rtamazon_s3_get_custom_url_domain_name( $bucket );
// get default bucket url.
$amazon_url = rtamazon_s3_get_default_bucket_url( $bucket );
// get bucket url as per bucket url structure and custom domain.
$domain = rtamazon_s3_get_bucket_url( $bucket, $url_structure, $custom_domain );
// Wp url pattern.
$wp_url_pattern = preg_replace( '(^https?://)', '', site_url() );
$search = array();
$replace = array();
foreach ( $urls as $url ) {
$aws_url = rtamazon_get_aws_url( $url );
/* Set url according to selected url structure */
if ( strpos( $url, $bucket . '' ) !== false ) { // for Bucket name as subdomain.
* Filters elements for search array.
* @since 1.4.0
* @param array Array of search elements.
$search = apply_filters( 'rtamazon_search_pattern', array( $bucket . '' ) );
} elseif ( strpos( $url, '' . $bucket ) !== false ) { // for Bucket name in path
$search = apply_filters( 'rtamazon_search_pattern', array( '' . $bucket ) );
} elseif ( ! empty( $custom_domain ) && strpos( $url, $custom_domain ) !== false ) { // for Custom Domain
$search = apply_filters( 'rtamazon_search_pattern', array( $custom_domain ) );
} elseif ( strstr( $url, $wp_url_pattern ) !== false ) {
$search = apply_filters( 'rtamazon_search_pattern', array( $wp_url_pattern ) );
* Filters elements for replacing array.
* @since 1.4.0
* @param array Array of replacing elements.
$replace = apply_filters( 'rtamazon_replace_pattern', array( $domain ) );
* Set original value as a key into array
* so we can use that for replace with new
* urls in content
$newurls[ $url ] = str_replace( $search, $replace, $aws_url );
} // End foreach().
return $newurls;
} // End if().
} // End if().
return $urls;
* Set default WP url when "WordPress Media URL" is enabled
* @param string $urls contains wp content url.
function rtamazon_content_wp_url( $urls ) {
if ( class_exists( 'RTAWSS3_Class' ) ) {
$bucket = rtamazon_s3_get_bucket_name();
if ( ! empty( $bucket ) ) {
// get bucket url structure.
$url_structure = rtamazon_s3_get_url_structure( $bucket );
$newurls = array();
// If url structure is default than return the content, no need to search and replace.
if ( 'rtawss3_wp_url' === $url_structure ) {
// get custom domain for bucket url.
$custom_domain = rtamazon_s3_get_custom_url_domain_name( $bucket );
// get default bucket url.
$amazon_url = rtamazon_s3_get_default_bucket_url( $bucket );
// get bucket url as per bucket url structure and custom domain.
$domain = rtamazon_s3_get_bucket_url( $bucket, $url_structure, $custom_domain );
$search = array(); // search the pattern into urls.
$replace = array(); // replace with this into urls.
foreach ( $urls as $url ) {
/* Set url according to selected url structure */
if ( strpos( $url, $bucket . '' ) !== false ) {
$search = apply_filters( 'rtamazon_search_pattern', array( $bucket . '' ) );
} elseif ( strpos( $url, '' . $bucket ) !== false ) {
$search = apply_filters( 'rtamazon_search_pattern', array( '' . $bucket ) );
} elseif ( strpos( $url, $custom_domain ) !== false ) {
$search = apply_filters( 'rtamazon_search_pattern', array( $custom_domain ) );
$replace = apply_filters( 'rtamazon_replace_pattern', array( $domain ) );
* Set original value as a key into array
* so we can use that for replace with new
* urls in content
$newurls[ $url ] = str_replace( $search, $replace, $url );
return $newurls;
} // End if().
} // End if().
} // End if().
return $urls;
} // End if().
/***************** Cover picture for member and group ********************/
* Send cover image to s3
function rtamazon_send_coverimage_to_s3( $emptyarr = array(), $bp_params, $needs_reset, $object_data ) {
if ( class_exists( 'RTAWSS3_Class' ) ) {
global $wpdb;
/* get bucket name */
$bucket = rtamazon_s3_get_bucket_name();
// Get BuddyPress Attachments Uploads Dir datas.
$bp_attachments_uploads_dir = bp_attachments_uploads_dir_get();
$cover_subdir = $object_data['dir'] . '/' . $bp_params['item_id'] . '/cover-image';
$cover_dir = trailingslashit( $bp_attachments_uploads_dir['basedir'] ) . $cover_subdir;
$match = $cover_subdir;
// First, escape the match for use in a LIKE statement.
$search = $wpdb->esc_like( $match );
// Add wildcards, since we are searching within match text.
$search = '%' . $search . '%';
$sql = "SELECT id, obj_key FROM {$wpdb->prefix}rtamazon_s3_media WHERE ( obj_key LIKE %s )";
// Prepare the SQL statement so the string input gets escaped for security.
$sql = $wpdb->prepare( $sql, $search );
$get_results = $wpdb->get_results( $sql );
$object_arr = array();
// Default error message.
$error_message = __( 'There was a problem uploading the cover image.', 'buddypress' );
$cover_image_attachment = new BP_Attachment_Cover_Image();
$uploaded = $cover_image_attachment->upload( $_FILES );
// The BP Attachments Uploads Dir is not set, stop.
if ( ! $bp_attachments_uploads_dir ) {
'type' => 'upload_error',
'message' => $error_message,
if ( ! is_dir( $cover_dir ) ) {
// Upload error response.
'type' => 'upload_error',
'message' => $error_message,
$cover = bp_attachments_cover_image_generate_file(
'file' => $uploaded['file'],
'component' => $object_data['component'],
'cover_image_dir' => $cover_dir,
// Build the url to the file.
$cover_url = trailingslashit( $bp_attachments_uploads_dir['baseurl'] ) . $cover_subdir . '/' . $cover['cover_basename'];
// Init Feedback code, 1 is success.
$feedback_code = 1;
// Set the name of the file.
$name = $_FILES['file']['name'];
$name_parts = pathinfo( $name );
$name = trim( substr( $name, 0, - ( 1 + strlen( $name_parts['extension'] ) ) ) );
$data = array(
'url' => $cover_url,
'file' => $cover['cover_file'],
$data = apply_filters( 'rtamazon_cover_image_params', $data );
$hash = md5( $cover_url );
rtamazon_sent_to_s3( $data, $hash, true );
// delete profile pictures
rtamazon_delete_images_from_bucket( $bucket, $get_results );
$cover_url = rtamazon_get_aws_url( $cover_url );
// Finally return the cover image url to the UI.
'name' => $name,
'url' => $cover_url,
'feedback_code' => $feedback_code,
/***************** Cover picture for member and group end ********************/
/************************* User profile picture **************************/
* Send profile image to amazon s3
function rtamazon_send_avatar_to_s3( $item_id, $item_type, $r ) {
if ( class_exists( 'RTAWSS3_Class' ) ) {
if ( empty( $r['object'] ) && defined( 'RTMEDIA_BUDDYPRESS_PROFILE_PICTURE_BASE_NAME' ) ) {
$r['object'] = 'user';
$avatar_types = array( 'full', 'thumb' );
$avatarfolder = apply_filters( 'rtmedia_avatars_foldername', ( ( 'group' === $r['object'] ) ? 'group-avatars' : 'avatars' ) );
global $wpdb;
/* get bucket name */
$bucket = rtamazon_s3_get_bucket_name();
$get_results = rtamazon_get_bucket_images( $avatarfolder, $item_id );
$object_arr = array();
// Upload thumb and full image to amazon s3
foreach ( $avatar_types as $type ) {
$avatar = bp_core_fetch_avatar(
'object' => $r['object'],
'item_id' => $item_id,
'html' => false,
'type' => $type,
$avatar_path = BP_AVATAR_UPLOAD_PATH . '/' . $avatarfolder . '/' . $item_id . '/' . basename( $avatar );
$data = array(
'url' => $avatar,
'file' => $avatar_path,
$data = apply_filters( 'rtamazon_avatar_params', $data );
$hash = md5( $avatar );
rtamazon_sent_to_s3( $data, $hash, true );
// delete profile pictures
if ( bp_avatar_history_is_disabled() ) {
rtamazon_delete_images_from_bucket( $bucket, $get_results );
} else {
$item_id = $item_id . '/history';
rtamazon_recycle_avatar( $bucket, $get_results );
* Get profile picture from s3 bucket
function rtamazon_set_profile( $avatar_url, $params ) {
if ( class_exists( 'RTAWSS3_Class' ) ) {
$rtawss3 = RTAWSS3_Class::instance();
$obj = $rtawss3->rtawss3_db( 'get_row', array(), 'wp_url', trim( $avatar_url ) );
if ( $obj && isset( $obj->s3_url ) ) {
$avatar_url = rtamazon_s3_replace_content_urls( $obj->s3_url );
// remove_filter( 'bp_core_fetch_avatar_url', 'rtamazon_set_profile', 999 );
return $avatar_url;
* Get members / groups profile picture from s3 bucket
function rtamazon_set_profile_html( $avatar_html, $params ) {
if ( class_exists( 'RTAWSS3_Class' ) && ( isset( $params['object'] ) && ( 'user' === $params['object'] || 'group' === $params['object'] ) ) ) {
$rtawss3 = RTAWSS3_Class::instance();
$matches = rtawss3_custom_match_urls( $avatar_html );
if ( ! empty( $matches ) ) {
$where = array(
'wp_url' => array(
'compare' => 'IN',
'value' => array_keys( $matches ),
$rows = $rtawss3->rtawss3_db( 'get_results', array(), 'status', 'moved', false, array(), $where );
$urls = array();
$urls_data = array();
// check if image is moved to s3 bucket then.
// show image from bucket.
if ( count( $rows ) > 0 ) {
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
if ( $rtawss3->rtawss3_check_bucket_url( $row->bucket ) ) {
$urls[] = $row->wp_url;
$urls_data[] = $row;
// Change url for images.
$avatar_html = str_replace( array_keys( $matches ), $matches, $avatar_html );
foreach ( $matches as $match ) {
$search = array_search( $match, $urls );
if ( $search !== false ) {
$row = $urls_data[ $search ];
$avatar_url = str_replace( $match, $row->s3_url, $avatar_url );
return $avatar_html;
/************************* User profile picture end **************************/
/**************************** Delete avatar pic **********************************/
* rtamazon_delete_avatar Delete avatar image for member from s3 bucket.
function rtamazon_delete_avatar( $args ) {
if ( class_exists( 'RTAWSS3_Class' ) ) {
if ( empty( $args ) ) {
$item_id = ( isset( $args['item_id'] ) && ! empty( $args['item_id'] ) ) ? $args['item_id'] : 0;
if ( 'user' === $args['object'] ) {
$avatarfolder = apply_filters( 'rtmedia_grpavatars_foldername', 'avatars' );
} elseif ( 'group' === $args['object'] ) {
$avatarfolder = apply_filters( 'rtmedia_grpavatars_foldername', 'group-avatars' );
global $wpdb;
/* get bucket name */
$bucket = rtamazon_s3_get_bucket_name();
$get_results = rtamazon_get_bucket_images( $avatarfolder, $item_id );
// delete profile pictures
rtamazon_delete_images_from_bucket( $bucket, $get_results );
/**************************** Delete avatar pic end **********************************/
/**************************** Delete cover pic **********************************/
* rtamazon_delete_coverphoto Delete cover image for members and groups from s3 bucket
function rtamazon_delete_coverphoto( $status, $args ) {
if ( class_exists( 'RTAWSS3_Class' ) ) {
if ( empty( $args ) ) {
$item_id = ( isset( $args['item_id'] ) && ! empty( $args['item_id'] ) ) ? $args['item_id'] : 0;
if ( 'members' === $args['object_dir'] ) {
$coverfolder = apply_filters( 'rtmedia_coveravatars_foldername', 'members' );
} elseif ( 'groups' === $args['object_dir'] ) {
$coverfolder = apply_filters( 'rtmedia_coveravatars_foldername', 'groups' );
global $wpdb;
/* get bucket name */
$bucket = rtamazon_s3_get_bucket_name();
$get_results = rtamazon_get_bucket_images( $coverfolder, $item_id );
$object_arr = array();
// delete profile pictures.
rtamazon_delete_images_from_bucket( $bucket, $get_results );
return true;
* rtamazon_get_bucket_images Get list of perticular images uploaded to s3 amazon
function rtamazon_get_bucket_images( $coverfolder, $item_id ) {
global $wpdb;
$match = '/' . $coverfolder . '/' . $item_id . '/';
// First, escape the match for use in a LIKE statement.
$search = $wpdb->esc_like( $match );
// Add wildcards, since we are searching within match text.
$search = '%' . $match . '%';
$sql = "SELECT id, obj_key FROM {$wpdb->prefix}rtamazon_s3_media WHERE ( obj_key LIKE %s )";
// Prepare the SQL statement so the string input gets escaped for security.
$sql = $wpdb->prepare( $sql, $search );
return $wpdb->get_results( $sql );
* rtamazon_delete_images_from_bucket Delete requested images from s3 bucket
function rtamazon_delete_images_from_bucket( $bucket, $get_results = array() ) {
global $wpdb;
$object_arr = array();
// delete profile pictures
if ( count( $get_results ) > 0 ) {
foreach ( $get_results as $key_arr ) {
$object_arr[]['Key'] = $key_arr->obj_key;
$rtawss3 = RTAWSS3_Class::instance();
$delete_obj = $rtawss3->rtawss3_db( 'get_row', array(), 'obj_key', trim( $key_arr->obj_key ) );
if ( $delete_obj ) {
$where['obj_key'] = trim( $key_arr->obj_key );
$rtawss3->rtawss3_db( 'delete', '', '', '', '', '', $where );
$rtawss3_client = new RTAWSS3_Client();
$status = $rtawss3_client->rtawss3_delete_bucket_object( $bucket, $object_arr );
/**************************** Delete cover pic end **********************************/
* Matching urls
function rtawss3_custom_match_urls( $content ) {
$regex = '/\b(https?|ftp|file):\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|$!:,.;]*[A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|$]/i';
preg_match_all( $regex, $content, $matches );
$mediaList = array();
if ( isset( $matches[0] ) && ! empty( $matches[0] ) ) {
* Filters attachment urls in content.
* @param array Array of all urls into content.
$mediaList = apply_filters( 'rtawss3_match_urls', $matches[0] );
return $mediaList;
* Filtering content
function rtawss3_custom_filter_content( $content ) {
$matches = rtawss3_custom_match_urls( $content );
if ( ! empty( $matches ) ) {
$content = rtamazon_s3_replace_content_urls( $content );
return $content;
* rtamazon_inspirebook_cover_image_url Fetch cover image from s3bucket.
* This function is "Inspirebook" theme specific
* @param url $url Original url
* @return url S3 bucket url
function rtamazon_inspirebook_cover_image_url( $url ) {
if ( class_exists( 'RTAWSS3_Class' ) ) {
// New image url from AWS server
$cover_image_aws = rtamazon_get_aws_url( $url );
$cover_image_aws = ( ! empty( $cover_image_aws ) ) ? $cover_image_aws : $url;
$url = $cover_image_aws;
return $url;
* rtamazon_recycle_profile
function rtamazon_recycle_avatar( $bucket, $get_results ) {
global $wpdb;
$object_arr = array();
// delete profile pictures
if ( count( $get_results ) > 0 ) {
foreach ( $get_results as $key_arr ) {
$object_arr[]['Key'] = $key_arr->obj_key;
$rtawss3 = RTAWSS3_Class::instance();
$delete_obj = $rtawss3->rtawss3_db( 'get_row', array(), 'obj_key', trim( $key_arr->obj_key ) );
if ( $delete_obj ) {
$where['obj_key'] = trim( $key_arr->obj_key );
$rtawss3->rtawss3_db( 'delete', '', '', '', '', '', $where );
$new_path = '/history/';
$rtawss3_client = new RTAWSS3_Client();
$status = $rtawss3_client->rtawss3_rename_bucket_object( $bucket, $object_arr, $new_path );