How to install and set up rtAmazon S3


rtAmazon S3 allows site admin to move and/or store WordPress media uploads to Amazon S3 Bucket. It works for all the WordPress media library images and other types of files. This plugin works fine with rtMedia plugin also.

How to install rtAmazon S3

Perform the following steps to install rtAmazon s3 plugin:

  1. Download rtAmazon S3 plugin from the My Account section

  2. Go to WordPress site dashboard and navigate to Plugins > Add New > Upload.

  3. Select file from your computer and click upload.

  4. Click Install Now to install the plugin. Then, click the Activate Plugin link, to activate the plugin.

How to use


  1. You can define your Access Key ID and Secret Access Key in wp-config.php file. You can read more about wp-config options here.

  2. Enter Amazon Access Key ID

  3. Enter Amazon Secret Access Key

  4. If the specified Access Key ID and Secret Access Key account has single bucket permission, then providing bucket name here is required.
  5. Click Next to get started. Note: You can delete existing Access Key ID and Secret Access Key by clearing both the text boxes and clicking this button.

  6. If you don’t have an account then you can Sign Up to Amazon S3

  7. Do not use your root credentials to login, it is best practice to use IAM user and assign amazon s3 full access to the user,as this will protect your sensitive data.

WP Config Options

You can directly add the settings right from your wp-config.php file. It will be more secure and only server team can do required changes. Site admin can’t change any settings related to AWS S3 account and plugin settings.

The following options are available for general use:

  • Access Keys

    Access keys consist of an Access Key ID and Secret Access Key, which are used to sign programmatic requests that you make to AWS. You can read more about it here.

    Replace access_key_id and secret_access_key in the example code below with your Amazon Access Key ID andAmazon Secret Access Key respectively.

    define( 'RTAMAZON_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID', 'access_key_id' );

    define( 'RTAMAZON_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', 'secret_access_key' );


    To upload your data (photos, videos, documents etc.), you first create a bucket in one of the AWS regions. You can read rules for creating a bucket here.

    After creating a bucket replace bucket_name in the example code below with the Bucket you have just created or you want to access any.

    define( 'RTAMAZON_S3_BUCKET_NAME', 'bucket_name' );


    This option allows you to store your objects under folders on s3. For example if the name of your input folder is test, objects are stored under test folder, if folder name is test/sample objects are stored under sample folder which is a folder under test and so on.

    Replace virtual_folder in the example code below with the Folder you want.

    define( 'RTAMAZON_S3_VIRTUAL_FOLDER_NAME', 'virtual_folder' );


    This option allows you to delete local server media after they have been successfully uploaded to your S3 account. You just need to set it TRUE. And if you don’t want then you can remove this option or simply set it to FALSE. It is Strongly Not Recommended to delete local server media.

    For example use below code:



    There are four ways to serve media URL:

    1. rtawss3_wp_url: WordPress Media URL, i.e.,

      You can use below code:

      define( 'RTAMAZON_S3_FILE_URLS', 'rtawss3_wp_url' );

    2. rtawss3_subdomain: Bucket Name as Subdomain, i.e.,

      You can use below code:

      define( 'RTAMAZON_S3_FILE_URLS', 'rtawss3_subdomain' );

    3. rtawss3_path: Bucket Name in Path, i.e.,

      You can use below code:

      define( 'RTAMAZON_S3_FILE_URLS', 'rtawss3_path' );

    4. rtawss3_custom: Custom Domain. This option is useful for CDN, CloudFront, etc.

      You can use below code:

      define( 'RTAMAZON_S3_FILE_URLS', 'rtawss3_custom' );

      Note: If this option is set to rtawss3_custom, then RTAMAZON_S3_CUSTOM_DOMAIN_NAME option must be set. For example if you set define( 'RTAMAZON_S3_CUSTOM_DOMAIN_NAME', '' ); then your media URL will become


    This option enables you to sync upload media files to S3 as they are uploaded from media library, blog post or rtMedia plugin. You just need to set it TRUE. And if you don’t want then you can remove this option or simply set it to FALSE.

    define( 'RTAMAZON_S3_SYNC_UPLOAD', 'TRUE' );


    This option allows you to give access for creating a bucket. If you want to allow to create a bucket, simply set it TRUE. And if you don’t want then set it FALSE or remove this option.



    This option is for showing Settings page. If set to TRUE, settings page will be displayed and if set to FALSE, settings page will not be displayed.



    This option is for showing Menus. If set to TRUE, menus will be displayed and if set to FALSE, menus will not be displayed.

    define( 'RTAMAZON_S3_SHOW_ADMIN_MENU', 'TRUE' );


    This option is for setting bucket region. If your bucket is from US Standard region then you don’t need to set this option. You can read more about region here.

    For example if you want to set region as US West (Oregon) then use below code:

    define( 'RTAMAZON_S3_BUCKET_REGION', 'us-west-2' );

Bucket Selection

After successfully logged in, a dropdown will appear to select Bucket selection page.


  1. You can see your Access Key ID and Secret Access Key

  2. If you want to change your Access Key ID and Secret Access Key then enter new details and click on Changebutton

  3. You can see you Amazon S3 Buckets.

  4. If you want to add new bucket, click on Create new Bucket button

Create Bucket

After clicking on Create new Bucket, you will be able to see Bucket Creation Popup


  1. Enter Bucket Name

  2. Select Region

  3. Click Create Bucket button.

  4. You can see Rules for creating Bucket

  5. If you don’t want to create a Bucket then simply Close the popup.

Bucket Settings

After Selecting a Bucket or Creating a Bucket you can see Selected Bucket's or Created Bucket's Settings.

  1. Upload media files to Virtual Folder on Amazon S3 Bucket. For example if the name of input folder is test, media are stored under test folder, if folder name is test/sample, media are stored under sample folder which is a folder undertest and so on.

  2. You can delete local media files after they have been successfully uploaded to your S3 Bucket. If you enable this option then uploaded files are served with their S3 URL. Strongly Not Recommended!

  3. You can serve media URL with different options:

    1. WordPress Media URL:

    2. Bucket Name as Subdomain:

    3. Bucket Name in Path:

    4. Custom Domain: This option is useful for CDN, CloudFront, etc. For example if you enter in the textbox, media URL will become

    Note: This will affect only new uploads.

  4. You can directly copy uploaded media files to S3 Bucket as they are uploaded from media library, blog post or rtmedia plugin.

  5. Showing object list on a page is very resource utilising task, it may freeze the page. You can disable bucket object listing through this setting.
  6. Save Settings after changes

  7. You can see Bucket Info like:

    1. Bucket Name

    2. Bucket Owner

    3. Bucket Creation Date

    4. Bucket Versioning

    5. Bucket Location

  8. You can Delete Bucket directly from here. If there are objects in the Bucket then you need to Delete Objects first.

  9. You can see Media Stats

  10. You can upload all the remaining media which are not uploded to Amazon S3 Bucket. Just click on Upload All button.

  11. You can change the Bucket, if you want to see other Bucket details.

Single Bucket Support

Added in v1.6.0, rtAmazon-S3 provides support for IAM account having permission to only a specific bucket. The account must have full permission to that specific bucket.

If the specified Access Key ID and Secret Access Key has single bucket permission, then Create new Bucket and Delete this Bucket buttons will be disabled.

The Select Bucket list will be disabled as there is no permission to list other buckets.

Bucket Objects


  1. If you want to list the latest bucket objects then click on Refresh Bucket Object List

  2. Select Object

  3. Bulk Actions

    1. Download -> You can download single object or multiple objects by selecting Download from Bulk Actions.

    2. Delete -> You can directly delete single object or multiple objects from the bucket by selecting Delete from Bulk Actions.

    3. Move -> First you have to select media and then select Move from Bulk Actions. After that select Destination Bucket.

  4. Click Apply After select bulk action.

  5. Pagination for bucket objects

Upload All

You will be able to see Remaining media count which are not uploaded to Amazon S3 Bucket.


After Upload complete, click the link to navigate to rtAmazon S3 Settings as shown below


Upload Media

You can upload selected media to Amazon S3 Bucket.


  1. Select the media you want to Upload to S3 Bucket

  2. Click on Upload

Media Library

You can upload media directly from WordPress’ Media Library to S3 Bucket or see the uploaded media with their S3 URL


  1. You can see Admin Notice to upload remaining media to S3 Bucket.

  2. New column to see/upload media i.e., S3 URL

  3. Upload to S3 Bucket

  4. Link to see the uploaded media

  5. You can Bulk Upload by selecting multiple media and select Upload to S3 from Bulk Actions DropDown.

Reupload All

You can reupload all the media from your site to your amazon s3 account.


After clicking on reupload link, you will be redirected to reupload all media page. On that page you just need to press Startbutton to start upload process.

rtAmazon S3 CLI

New! rtAmazon-s3 CLI added from version v1.4. With the rtAmazon-s3 CLI you can upload the old or previously uploaded media to the S3 bucket.

NOTE: Before using the rtAmazon-s3 CLI make sure you have WP-CLI installed on your server.

The available CLI commands are:

  • The following command will list the stats of the media uploaded to your site
    # wp rtamazon media count
  • The following command will upload all the media to the s3 bucket.
    # wp rtamazon media upload


    Uploading 2 media to 'your-s3-test' bucket ...
    Success: 1/5 ID 15 - media-name-1 uploaded in 2.77 seconds
    Success: 2/5 ID 14 - media-name-2 uploaded in 3.22 seconds
    Success: 3/5 ID 13 - media-name-3 uploaded in 1.45 seconds
    Success: 4/5 ID 12 - media-name-4 uploaded in 5.58 seconds
    Success: 5/5 ID 11 - media-name-5 uploaded in 2.84 seconds
  • The following command will only upload the remaining media which are not already uploaded to the s3 bucket.
    # wp rtamazon media upload --remaining
  • Also, you can put the limit to the media while uploading ( This can come handy if you want to upload some specific number of media to the S3 bucket  )
    Note : The --limit parameter requires to use --remaining parameter
    # wp rtamazon media upload --remaining --limit=10

The rtAmazon-S3 CLI is under development. There will be many more commands will be coming in the future releases.

Privacy Options

Added in rtAmazon-S3 version v1.5.3.

Allow user to delete media stored in S3 bucket on WordPress Personal Data Erase request and User Deletion with “Delete all content” option.

You can find this on settings page of rtAmazon-S3 admin section.


You can visit the hooks available with this addon from here .