Create a Slider on your Home Page

Sliders are a great tool to showcase some images that will set the mood for your website.

Most websites have a dedicated home page that displays a general overview of the website along with a slider of some images. For a website , the homepage URL generally is . 

To create a slider, go to Slider under Inspirebook settings. Add slides with the Add New Slide button, and specify the title & content next to the respective image. Remember to click on the Save button after you are done adding slides. For best results, upload images with resolution 860 x 350.

Inspirebook slides backend


As mentioned earlier, the slider will only be visible on pages that have page Template set to “Home” under “Page Attributes” in the WordPress backend:



The slider will be visible on the top of the page:


To know more about Inspirebook’s Home page template and how you can modify it, please check this document.