Setting Up Home Page

To set up the home page as shown in the demo, create a page named “home” and set the default template as “Home Template”.


Now go Under Apperance > Cutomize.

screen shot 2015-06-23 at 7 24 13 pm

Go under “Static Front Page” section and choose “A static page” as your front page displays and select “Home” as your Front Page.
Your home page template is setup and ready to be cusotmized now. Click on “Home Template” panel and you will see four more sections.

  • Section 2
  • Section 3
  • Section 4
  • Section 5

Each section has options to choose the visibility and its order in which the they will be dispalyed on the home page. You can check or uncheck “Display Section” to show or hide the section however you should always select a unique “Section Position” for each section.

Also check how to set up the home page slider.

Section 2:

This is where you can showcase some excerpt of a page, write a line of description and show two thumbnails for it.

Select Page : The excerpt and the title will be fetched from here.

Description : Write a little description.

Thumbnail 1 : Choose thumbnail which will show on the right. Size of the image should be 256x350px

Thumbnail 2 : Size of the image should be the same 256x350px

Section 3:

Here you can show your blogs from a certain category, add some title , description and a link to that category.

Select Category : Select a category and three most recent posts will be fetched from with its featured image as thumbnails(if set) and the post title as its caption.

Title : Title of the section.

Description : Description which will show below the title.

Background Image : Choose a background image for this section. It should be 1408x800px . And yes, please be sure to compress your images before uploading for faster page load.

Section 4:

If you have Buddypress plugin installed, you can display your featured memebers here. This section will only be displayed if you have Buddypress plugin installed.

Title : Title of this section.

Description : A little description about this section.

Member Type : Choose the type of members in Buddypress.

Section 5:

This section is for creating a call to action to any page link you like.

Title : Title of this section.

Description : A little description about this section.

Link : Link of the page or post or any external link

Link Text : The text to display.

Background Image : Should be 1408×380