file format for video and mp3
for audio. To allow other file formats, add the following code in your theme or plugin.
function rt_custom_allowed_types( $types ){
if ( isset( $types[0] ) && isset( $types[0]['extensions'] ) ) {
if ( is_rtmedia_upload_video_enabled() )
$types[0]['extensions'] .= ',mov,mpg,flv,wmv,mkv,webm,ogv,mxf,asf,vob,mts,qt,mpeg,x-msvideo'; //Allow video types of file to be uploded
if ( is_rtmedia_upload_music_enabled() )
$types[0]['extensions'] .= ',wma,ogg,wav,m4a'; //Allow audio types of file to be uploded
return $types;
// filter plupload allowed file formats
add_filter('rtmedia_plupload_files_filter', 'rt_custom_allowed_types', 10, 1);
function rt_custom_allowed_types_admin_settings( $types ){
$allowed_video_string = implode(",", $types['video']['extn']);
$allowed_audio_string = implode(",", $types['music']['extn']);
$allowed_video = explode(",",$allowed_video_string.',mov,mpg,flv,wmv,mkv,webm,ogv,mxf,asf,vob,mts,qt,mpeg,x-msvideo');
$allowed_audio = explode(",",$allowed_audio_string.',wma,ogg,wav,m4a');
$types['video']['extn'] = array_unique( $allowed_video );
$types['music']['extn'] = array_unique( $allowed_audio );
return $types;
// filter to show allowed media types in admin settings
add_filter('rtmedia_allowed_types', 'rt_custom_allowed_types_admin_settings', 10, 1);
rtMedia uses mediaelement.js to play video and audio which might not support the types you have allowed using the above filters. In this case, you will need a custom media player that you can use with rtMedia to play audio/video files.