We have provided a patch to make the P2 theme work with rtMedia WordPress Comment Attachment addon.
You can add below code to your P2 theme’s custom JavaScript code:
jQuery( document ).ready( function() {
// To store all files selected by user to upload.
var rtmedia_comment_attachments;
jQuery( '#commentform #rtmedia_simple_file_input' ).change( function() {
rtmedia_comment_attachments = jQuery( this ).get( 0 ).files;
jQuery.ajaxPrefilter(function( options, originalOptions ) {
try {
//@todo: Add condition to check whether FormData() is available or not for current browser. If supported then proceed otherwise do nothing.
if ( originalOptions.data && originalOptions.data.action && 'new_comment' == originalOptions.data.action ) {
var form_data = new FormData();
jQuery.each( originalOptions.data, function( key, value ) {
form_data.append( key, value );
// Don't process the files
options.processData = false;
// Set content type to false as jQuery will tell the server its a query string request
options.contentType = false;
//Append rtmedia necessary data
jQuery(".rtmedia-simple-file-upload input[type=hidden]").each( function() {
form_data.append( jQuery( this ).attr( 'name'), jQuery( this ).val() );
//Append files
jQuery.each( rtmedia_comment_attachments, function( key, value ) {
form_data.append( 'rtmedia_file_multiple[' + key + ']', value );
options.data = form_data;
} catch( error ) {
console.log( error.message );