How to set up rtMedia Photo Filters

rtMedia Instagram has been renamed to rtMedia Photo Filters.

Set Up Guide

Important: You must have ImageMagick installed on the server on which you are running WordPress and BuddyPress Media. Click here to access the tutorial for installing ImageMagick.

Follow these simple steps to get your rtMedia Photo Filters feature running:

  • Once you complete the purchase, you will get a download link for rtMedia Premium zip in your email inbox.
  • After installing the rtMedia Premium and activate the plugin by configuring the license key received in email.
  • Your users will now be able to add effects on the photo edit screen, you will see number of filters to choose for effect.



How do I check if ImageMagick is installed on my server?

Go to rtMedia’s support tab –> Debug info in your WordPress dashboard. You will see the following:

ImageMagick is not installed

Now, you need to install ImageMagick on your server.

To install ImageMagick, you can either get support from your hosting company, or you can do it yourself, by following the instructions mentioned in these tutorials:

Once ImageMagick is installed on your server, you can cross check it in your WordPress installation, under the rtMedia > Support tab.

Now, you can enjoy the feel of photo filter effects in your WordPress website.

While editing photos, you can see all the Photo Filters effect options, but none of them are working.

Cross-check whether all the packages are installed properly on your server.

Run this command:

dpkg -l | egrep '(imagemagick|libmagickwand-dev|php5-imagick)'

Or this command:

dpkg -l | egrep '(imagemagick | libmagick9-dev | php5-imagick)'

depending on your server configuration

You will see output as follows:

If those packages are installed, then you need to add this line in server’s php.ini file:

If not, then install the missing packages.

Restart php on your server. Everything will work fine with Photo Filters add-on.

If you are still facing problems with the rtMedia Photo Filters add-on, feel free to contact us or use our support forum.