Installing rtMedia Kaltura Add-on
After creating your account on Kaltura, perfrom the following steps to install the rtMedia Kaltura add-on:
- Once you purchase the rtMedia Kaltura add-on, you will get a download link for rtMedia Kaltura
- In your WordPress Dashboard, go to Plugins > Add New > Upload. Select the file from your computer and click on Upload.
- Click the Activate Plugin link to activate the plugin.
- Go to rtMedia > Settings > Kaltura. You will see the settings as follows:
- Enter your email address in the User ID field. Open Settings > Integration Settings in your Kaltura account to access your Partner ID, Sub Partner ID, Admin Secret and User Secret.
- Once, click on
Save Settings
button, the player list will be displayed with dropdown. The player list will be fetched from your configured kaltura account. Select the player from dropdown. See below image how to create players in kaltura account. - Click Save Settings. Your Kaltura add-on is now ready to use.
Using rtMedia Kaltura Add-on
rtMedia allows only mp4 video files to be uploaded. But once you will subscribe to rtMedia Audio/Video Encoding service rtMedia allows the following video types to be uploaded: mp4, mov, m4v, m2v, avi, mpg, flv, wmv, mkv, webm, ogv, mxf, asf, vob, mts, qt, mpeg. Videos having file extensions other than these cannot be uploaded. rtMedia Kaltura Add-on removes this limitation in the following way:
- When a user uploads a video file, the plugin will check if the file is in a compatible file format.
- If the uploaded video file needs to be converted, the file will be sent to the Kaltura Server for conversion.
- After conversion, the file will be fetched from the Kaltura server for display on your site. This means that although the file will be saved on Kaltura, it will be available for viewing in your website. In technical terms, this means that the video will be embedded on your site. See the benefits of embedding videos here.