



Filter to modify Upload limit JS message for restriction add-on.

add_filter( 'rtmedia_restrictions_upload_limit_messages', 'rtmedia_restriction_upload_limit_js_strings', 10, 1 );

function rtmedia_restriction_upload_limit_js_strings( $upload_limit_messages ) {
    $upload_limit_messages['size']['daily'] = "You have exceeded todays quota for file size limit.";

    return $upload_limit_messages;


Filter use to modify warning message of daily upload storage limit exceed.

add_filter( 'rtm_restriction_exceed_daily_storage_message', 'rtmedia_restriction_exceed_daily_storage_msg', 10, 1 ); 

function rtmedia_restriction_exceed_daily_storage_msg ( $msg ) {
    return 'You can not upload any media today as you had exceeded daily limit of media size. Please try tomorrow.';


Filter use to modify warning message of monthly upload storage limit exceed.

add_filter( 'rtm_restriction_exceed_monthly_storage_message', 'rtmedia_restriction_exceed_monthly_storage_message' );

function rtmedia_restriction_exceed_monthly_storage_message ( $msg ) {
    return 'You can not upload any media in this month as you had exceeded monthly limit of media size.';


Filter use to modify warning message of lifetime upload storage limit exceed.

add_filter( 'rtm_restriction_exceed_lifetime_storage_message', 'rtmedia_restriction_exceed_lifetime_storage_message' );

function rtmedia_restriction_exceed_lifetime_storage_message ( $msg ) {
    return 'You can not upload any media as you had exceeded storage limit of media.';


Filter use to modify warning message of daily number of upload file limit exceed.

add_filter( 'rtm_restriction_exceed_daily_files_message', 'rtmedia_restriction_exceed_daily_files_message' );

function rtmedia_restriction_exceed_daily_files_message ( $msg ) {
    return ' Please try tomorrow as you had exceeded daily limit to upload media.';


Filter use to modify warning message of monthly number of upload file limit exceed.

add_filter( 'rtm_restriction_exceed_monthly_files_message', 'rtmedia_restriction_exceed_monthly_files_message' );

function rtmedia_restriction_exceed_monthly_files_message ( $msg ) {
    return 'Sorry..! No more upload as you had exceeded monthly limit to upload media.';


Filter use to modify warning message of lifetime number of upload file limit exceed.

add_filter( 'rtm_restriction_exceed_lifetime_files_message', 'rtmedia_restriction_exceed_lifetime_files_message' );

function rtmedia_restriction_exceed_lifetime_files_message ( $msg ) {
    return 'Opps..! you had exceeded the lifetime limit to upload media.';


This filter is use to modify allowed upload media file types.

add_filter( 'allowed_media_type_settings', 'rtm_allowed_media_type_settings' );

function rtm_allowed_media_type_settings ( $allowed_types ) {
    $allowed_types['other'] = '';
    return $allowed_types;


This filter is use to modify arguments of field in settings form. Also using this filter we can allow decimal values.

add_filter( 'rtmedia_restrictions_field_args', 'rtmedia_restrictions_field_args_callback' , 10, 2 );

function rtmedia_restrictions_field_args_callback( $args, $key ){

 $args['step'] = 'any';
 return $args;