

  • rtm_before_remove_media_from_playlist

    Action will fire just before media remove from a playlist.

add_action('rtm_before_remove_media_from_playlist', 'notify_before_remove_media_from_playlist' , 10, 2);

function notify_before_remove_media_from_playlist( $media_id, $playlist_id ) {
    $model = new RTMediaModel();
    $media = $model->get( array( 'id' => $media_id ) );

    error_log(var_export('Song '. $media[0]->media_title .' will be removed from music album.', true) );
  • rtm_after_remove_media_from_playlist

    Action will fire immediately after media remove from a playlist.

add_action('rtm_after_remove_media_from_playlist', 'notify_after_remove_media_from_playlist', 10, 2 );

function notify_after_remove_media_from_playlist( $media_id, $playlist_id ) {
    $model = new RTMediaModel();
    $media = $model->get( array( 'id' => $media_id ) );

    error_log(var_export('Song '. $media[0]->media_title .' successfuly removed from music album.', true) );
  • rtm_before_add_media_to_playlist

    Action will fire just before media will add to playlist.

add_action('rtm_before_add_media_to_playlist', 'notify_before_add_media_to_playlist', 10, 2 );

function notify_before_add_media_to_playlist( $media_id, $playlist_id ) {
    $model = new RTMediaModel();
    $media = $model->get( array( 'id' => $media_id ) );

    error_log(var_export('Song '. $media[0]->media_title .'will be added to music album.', true) );
  • rtm_after_add_media_to_playlist

    Action will immediately after media added to playlist.

add_action('rtm_after_add_media_to_playlist', 'notify_after_add_media_to_playlist', 10, 2 );

function notify_after_add_media_to_playlist( $media_id, $playlist_id ) {
    $model = new RTMediaModel();
    $media = $model->get( array( 'id' => $media_id ) );

    error_log(var_export('Song '. $media[0]->media_title .' added to music album.', true) );
  • rtm_before_playlist_delete

    Action will fire just before new playlist will delete.

add_action('rtm_before_playlist_delete', 'rtmedia_before_playlist_delete', 10, 1 );

function rtmedia_before_playlist_delete( $playlist_id ) {
    error_log(var_export( 'music album will delete.', true) );
  • rtm_after_playlist_delete

    Action will fire immediately after playlist deleted.

add_action('rtm_after_playlist_delete', 'rtmedia_after_playlist_delete', 10, 1 );

function rtmedia_after_playlist_delete( $playlist_id ) {
    error_log(var_export( 'music album deleted.', true) );
  • rtmedia_before_add_playlist

    Action will fire just before new playlist will create.

add_action( 'rtmedia_before_add_playlist', 'rtmedia_before_add_playlist' );

function rtmedia_before_add_playlist() {
    error_log(var_export( 'New music album will be create.', true) );
  • rtmedia_after_add_playlist

    Action will fire immediately after new playlist created.

add_action( 'rtmedia_after_add_playlist', 'rtmedia_after_add_playlist' );

function rtmedia_after_add_playlist( $playlist ) {
    error_log(var_export( $playlist, true) );