- rtm_allow_uploader_view
- rtmedia_upload_not_allowed_message
- rtmedia_bbpress_individual_attachment
- rtmedia_bbpress_attachment_view_filter
Filter to modify allow uploader view value.
add_filter( 'rtmedia_allow_uploader_view','rtm_allow_uploader_view', 10, 2 );
function rtm_allow_uploader_view ( $flag, $uploader ) {
if ( 'bbpress' == $uploader ) {
$flag = false;
return $flag;
This filter is use to modify upload not allowed message in bbpress-attachment addon.
add_filter( 'rtmedia_upload_not_allowed_message', 'rtm_upload_not_allowed_message', 10, 2 );
function rtm_upload_not_allowed_message ( $msg, $uploader ) {
if ( 'bbpress' == $uploader ) {
$msg = 'You are not allowed to attach media in bbPress forum.';
return $msg;
Filter to modify html content for individual bbpress attachment before it get render.
add_filter( 'rtmedia_bbpress_individual_attachment', 'rtm_bbpress_individual_attachment', 10, 2 );
function rtm_bbpress_individual_attachment( $content, $attachment ) {
$content = $content . '<br/>';
return $content;
Filter to modify html content for bbpress attachments of a reply/topic before it get render.
add_filter( 'rtmedia_bbpress_attachment_view_filter', 'rtm_bbpress_attachment_view_filter', 10, 2 );
function rtm_bbpress_attachment_view_filter( $content, $attachment ) {
$content = $content . '<hr/>';
return $content;